Pastors Defending Families
Committed to providing you with cutting edge information and resources to save and strengthen the family
“Pastors Defending Families” is our newest ministry assisting and providing critical information for pastors in regard to the many challenges families and marriages are facing today.
We have a brand new website under construction that provides cutting edge articles and videos that will cover a huge variety of subjects (in progress).
Families have been under fire and Pastors Defending Families will equip and connect you to resources and ministry partners that will give you the tools to better serve the sheep you are called to shepherd. Expect new information to be added on a daily/weekly basis.
If you are called and appointed —

Get armed with battle ready information and strategic ideas that work!
The enemy has a coordinated effort to destroy the family and the church.
As pastors you are called and appointed by God to shepherd His flock. This means we are to defend, protect, nourish, guide, educate, water, mend and lead them in ‘all’ areas of life.
Search for Help from our Partners
Here are a few of our partners that can provide more information that you need to battle the attacks.

Are you ready to get engaged in today’s cultural battles? Being Biblical Citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us.

Shining His Light in Every Area of Life. Reclaiming America for CHRIST!
America is in desperate need of another Great Awakening-America needs you!”

Restoring the Culture by Advancing Religious Freedom, the Sanctity of Human Life and the Family.
Open your eyes to the TRUTH that we have discovered – check out our Resources and Research page.

Get equipped and empowered to defend your freedoms and liberties at the local level. Activism is streamlined and simplified!

Empowering local communities through education and providing resources to protect our children’s future.

Our mission statement – “To protect and defend life, marriage, family and liberty through education, advocacy and empowerment.”